Following these simple guidelines will help you to be WATER WISE:

  • Know your HOA system, where is the shutoff, and/or who you can call for help in case you have a break in your system.
  • Donā€™t overwater. Shut off your water when you are finished watering.
  • Concrete does not grow. Adjust your sprinklers so water does not run down the street. When we see water running down a street we assume there is a broken pipe or valve and will take appropriate action.
  • Work with your neighbors to make a watering schedule so that each has enough water when itā€™s time to irrigate.
  • Donā€™t mow your lawn too short. A taller lawn holds water longer than a shorter lawn.
  • Deeper and less frequent watering encourages a lawn to develop deeper roots and become more drought tolerant.
  • Water between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. Usually there is less wind and evaporation during this time.

Other guidelines can be found atĀ